Thai Fiancée Visa Inquiry Form  

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Welcome to the Thai Fiancée and Marriage Visa Inquiry Form

Are you eager to bring your Thai partner to your home? This form is your gateway to embarking on the journey of uniting with your loved one, navigating the intricacies of the visa application process with confidence and clarity.

At its core, this form is designed to empower you to initiate the visa application process for your Thai fiancée or spouse. It's more than just a set of fields to fill; it's your personalized guide through the legal regulations, minimal requirements, and essential guidelines that pave the way to being together.

Picture this: envisioning the joy of being with your partner, overcoming any hurdles together, and building a future side by side. That's the essence of what this form embodies—the opportunity to turn your dreams into reality.

As you embark on this journey, rest assured that you're not alone. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, providing personalized guidance and assistance tailored to your unique situation. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of the visa application process, ensuring that your path to reunion is as smooth and seamless as possible.

Are you ready to take the first step towards bringing your Thai partner home? Dive in and fill out the form below to kickstart your visa application journey. Your journey begins here—let's make it a memorable one.

Visa specialists

Below, you'll find essential details on fiancée or marriage visa legal regulations, minimal requirements, and guidelines to facilitate a successful visa application process. This form is tailored to initiate the application process for a fiancée or marriage visa, to simplify the process and provide you with the assistance you need.

Visa Legal Regulations and Minimal Requirements

To initiate the fiancée or spouse visa process, petitioners must meet certain conditions:
  • being legally free to marry, or being lawfully married in case of a spouse visa application
  • having met within the two preceding years (present tangible evidence)
  • demonstrating a serious intention to marry within quite a short period of the visa validity
  • having adequate accommodations for you both with intend to live together permanently
  • being financially secure (having enough money) to support themselves.
  • Visa Guidelines

    Both fiancée and spouse visa applications are complex processes, and each case is assessed individually on its merit. While there are no written rules that apply universally, there are key preparations necessary for a successful visa application.

    To thoroughly assess your case, identify potential challenges, advantages, and complexities, and offer tailored advice, our team needs comprehensive information about the petitioner's background, including ages, education, personal relationships, health, marital and financial status, and other relevant details. This allows us to determine the best course of action for a successful visa application and provide an accurate quote, which may vary based on the case's complexity.

    Simply put, we need your answers to the following questions:
  • How did you get to know each other, where and when did you meet for the first time?
  • How long have you known each other, and how close your relations are?
  • What language(s) do you communicate in?
  • Are you able and ready to sponsor your fiancée and incur all her travel expenses?
  • Will it be her first trip abroad? If not, specify each visit's country, timing, and purpose.
  • Are you prepared to attest your statements with supporting documents?
         And so forth...
  • Caution!
      Needless to mention, all data provided herein should be accurate to your best knowledge.
      We reserve the right to drop the case without a rebate if any stated info is misleading or false.

    How Does This Visa Inquiry Process Work?

    If you're new to web forms, click on the following link for walk-throughs. For privacy concerns, refer to our Privacy Policy statement. Please fill out the Visa Inquiry Form thoroughly, covering all the above-mentioned points as completely as possible in the Message Area. Once completed, click once on the Send Inquiry button below. Shortly after, you will be redirected to the confirmation page, which provide further instructions.
                        Simply proceed according to the instructions found on that page.

    Introduce Yourself
    Mr. Mrs. Ms.
  • Your Name
  • Email
  • must be valid & active!
  • Where From
  • city, country (USA state)
    Financial Status income, funds (bank savings)
    Marital Status Any children you support?
    Current Location
    Additional info on your occupation, financial resources, assets, domicile conditions, when, where, and how you first met each other, your current relations, etc. please provide in the Message Area further down.
    Thai Lady Data
    Full Name and nickname
    Address Current location
    Home Province place of birth
    Employment Current and past occupations
    Monthly Salary and/or other sources of income
    Marital Status legal/common-law marriage(s)
    Any Children? Who do they stay with?
    Available Assets bank funds, properties owned, etc.
    Further info on the lady's ability to communicate in foreign languages, if she has a passport, had previously applied for a visa and traveled abroad, if she is staying with her family or separately, and any other relevant details including info about her family, please specify in the Message Area.

    Message Area (please fill in all your details thoroughly)

    You may address any of your concerns or questions in the above Message Area
      All inquiries are held with strict confidentiality!  


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    Thai Fiancée Visa
    Visa specialists
    Thank you for considering our services for your visa inquiry!

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